For use on a shrine or to contain the cremation ashes of the deceased

Tsa tsas made by TLC Transitional Life Care workshop participants at Orgyen Dorje Den led by Nirabhra Taylor, lead artist at Pema Osel Ling’s ‘Magical Display of the Arts’. 5-21-17
Tsa tsas are small statues typically created in the forms of stupas, deities, and buddhas. They can be made with clay for containing ashes of the deceased, or Hydro-Stone and other materials for shrine use or for placement in stupas, etc. This sacred activity can be done by anyone with right intention, or one can request a qualified practitioner to make them. ​
Tsa tsas are then consecrated with Vajrayana Buddhist practice to meld them with enlightened awareness, and represent the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas. (A Lama's instruction is required to conduct this ritual.)
Tsa tsas containing ashes are not meant to be kept or placed on a shrine, but are traditionally intended to be put into the ocean or large body of water where they will dissolve with the elements, and also serve as an object that gives rise to “liberation upon seeing”. Viewing such an image is a blessing for anyone who comes into contact with it. Water contains countless numbers of sentient beings, and is therefore a perfect resting place for these sacred vessels.
The Benefits ~ Excerpted from a teaching by Lama Chonam Wazi
"The benefits include... First, the activity of making tsa tsas fulfills the enlightened minds of the lineage masters; second, it repays the kindness of one’s parents; third, it pacifies the deteriorations of vows; fourth, it pacifies the negative karma of weighty accumulations; fifth, it prevents one from falling under the influence of negative teachers or companions; sixth, it grants the capacity to assist and benefit all living beings; seventh, it brings benefit to those who are in the process of death; eighth, it benefits those who are wandering in the bardo; and ninth, this activity brings happiness to all living beings. If someone is certain to have fallen to the hells, by making tsa tsas on their behalf, they will be released to ascend upward through the realms to gradually take rebirth in the higher realms."
1. 2 in. (or larger) metal stupa molds [Stupa-shaped moulds are typically used for ashes, however a qualified lama can advise about using other forms, such as deities. Moulds in the forms of deities and buddhas can also be used for tsa tsas intended as shrine objects.]
2. Regular potter’s clay [White is preferred for painting later. Clay can be bought at any art or potter’s supply store. Get clay that doesn’t need to be fired, called “air-dry, non-fire” clay and make sure you keep it enclosed in plastic or some sort of container because it will quickly dry out. For an alternative to solid, wet clay, buy ‘AMACO’ dry clay flour [white, gray, and terra cotta], a dry, powdered clay that can also be found on Amazon. Inside the bag provided, this gray clay powder is mixed and kneaded with water and makes a smooth, pliable clay for hand modeling. After molding, age the sa tsas 24 hours to improve plasticity–the clay will dry chalk hard and can be painted. Hyro-Stone can be ordered online.]
3. Cheap cooking oil spray [low grade works best.]
4. Inexpensive vegetable oil or “Pam”, not olive oil – it’s too thick.
5. A length of fishing twine or plastic thread to easily cut the clay. Art supply stores w/ceramic supplies will sell this tool. You can also use a knife.
6. A tray to put finished tsa tsas on to dry.
7. Rubber gloves
8. Paper towels
9. A mallet or hammer to tap the clay filled mold in order to settle the clay so that the relief impressions will come out as distinctly as possible.
10. A cover [newspapers, plastic] for the table and floor below your work area–this can be messy.
11. A large bucket of water, and several containers of water [large yogurt containers work well
for cleaning hands and to throw things in after use, making them easier to clean.]
12. A spray bottle of water [to keep clay ‘active’, preventing it from drying out, especially on hot days.]
13. Toothpicks or a similarly sharp object for sa tsas containing ashes [If you are making tsa tsas for multiple people during the same session and want to be able to distinguish one from another, this tool can be used for etching names or initials on the bottom, if desired.]
14. A butter knife or plastic ‘take out’ knife to shape the clay, base ‘stand'
15. A toothbrush - to clean out mold after each use. [Toothpicks are also helpful for this.]
16. A pencil-sized implement
Prepare by draping the furniture and floor below your work area, or work outside.​
Spray tsa tsa mold with inexpensive cooking oil.
Work the clay thoroughly in your hands to soften and make it pliable. Shape into a cone-like form, approx. 2.5 - 3 inches deep or large, depending on the size of the mold you are working with, to insert into the mold. This allows room for a base. In the first frame of this online video you will see a stupa-formed tsa tsa with an approx. 1-inch base.
Pack the clay into the form with your finger, pushing all areas, particularly the center, so that it will reach the inner tip of the form.
Hold the tsa tsa mold w/open end up and tap the mold with a mallet or hammer to settle the clay into the tip and relief designs inside.
While it’s still inside the tsa tsa mold, insert a pencil-sized implement to create a hole in the center of the clay base. The ashes are placed in this hole. Make sure to “score” the clay used to lay over and seal this hole. Smooth the clay when this step is complete, so that the base of the tsa tsa is seamless and the bottom is flat.
Inserting the ashes into a hole at the base of the form is easier when using ready-made clay. If you’d rather mix the ashes with the clay, consider using the powdered clay (mentioned above) using 50% ash: 50% clay, then mix with water and press into the mold. This is easier than trying to mix ash with the solid, ready-made clay.
Shape and smooth the residual clay left outside the mold, the “base”, into a “stand” that’s flat on the bottom. If you want the tsa tsas to be uniform in size, each base needs to be the same height.
For a cleaner and more finished look, ‘shave’ any excess of clay from the sides of the base (at the bottom of the mold) with a butter knife, so that it’s smooth and even with the outer rim of the metal mold.
Gently remove the clay form from the metal mold and set aside to dry.
Thoroughly clean the mold with water and a toothbrush to remove all residual clay. If desired, quickly and easily dry the mold with a hairdryer.
To make additional tsa tsas, clean and spray the mold, and repeat the process.
Documented by Norine Nishimura and Julie Rogers for TLC Transitional Life Care – 2018
Silicone tsa tsa moulds
Hydrostone powder
Odorless mineral spirits
Cooking [vegetable] oil
Rubber spatula(s) or “stirring sticks” [for paint]
Large yogurt containers
Plastic gloves
Squirt bottle w/ rubbing alcohol
Two 3 or 4 quart plastic bowls
Kitchen strainers with hooks
2 Pyrex 4-cup measuring cups
Bottle brush
Dudtsi water [Tibetan mendrup/medicinal mixture]
Kitchen scale for weighing small amounts [grams, ounces, etc.]
Small flat synthetic paint brushes
Dental tool or box cutter
Sand paper
Wax paper
Level and wedges [paint stirring sticks shaved into various thicknesses]
Water-filled buckets for rinsing tools, etc.
MEASUREMENTS – When making the mixture, do not breathe the dust [pour outside if possible.]
Determine the needed measurements by experimentation - these below are intended as an example only and are used for the particular tsa tsa mold that was created for Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche's Stupa Project.
1) Single mould
20 ml water
50 grams powder
2) Tray of 3 moulds:
4 oz. water
250 grams Hydrostone
3) Tray of 6 moulds: Wei’s measurement: 19.3 oz powder (w/ yogurt container) to 8 oz. water
“8 oz. of cold water to 500 grams of Hydrostone”
Create a “mould release mixture” with 1/3rd cooking oil and 2/3rds mineral spirits. Set overnight in a jar before using.
Be certain your tables and surfaces are level - wedge up moulds w/paint sticks if needed.
Place single, double, and larger moulds on wax paper.
Very lightly and evenly brush the “mould mixture” onto and into the mould – do not allow the oil to pool.
Soak up excess oil from deep crevasses [nose, fingers, etc.] with a Q-Tip.
Alternate instructions: Carefully drop a very small amount of rubbing alcohol into the nose [this “pulls in” the mixture] careful not to get it on other parts of the face; do not spray the entire mould with alcohol since it increases the formation of bubbles.
Weigh Hydrostone powder on the kitchen scale in a clean yogurt container [weigh the empty container first to include its weight in your calculations.]
Measure appropriate amount of water [depending on the number of tsa tsas you’re making.]
Slowly and evenly add powder to water in a plastic bowl, gently tapping spatula on the edge or side of the yogurt container. Stir in mixture simultaneously OR
Allow mixture to sit for several second in order to absorb the water before starting to mix it.
Stir with spatula thoroughly - be sure to mix in the sediment that settles on the bottom of the container until the mixture has the consistency of buttermilk. [Optional: you can also mix it in your glove-covered hand, making certain all the lumps are fully dissolved.]
Pour mixture into the mould starting around the edge first, then in the center and outward.
Fill entire mould fairly quickly so that bubbles don’t form.
As you pour in the mixture, gently pound or shake the table so that it vibrates [optional - though this helps diminish bubbles.
After the mould is full, tap the table it sits on–this causes bubbles to rise to the surface and disappear, helps to settle the mixture into the mold, and eliminate bubbles.
Gently shake the full mold to further fill the crevasses and evenly level the mixture.
Wearing a glove, gently but firmly press the liquid mixture into the crevasses and deeper parts of the mold, or use the end of a small paint brush.
Allow to dry in the sun [45 minutes or longer] or shade [1 hour or longer] without moving the mold.
When completely dry, gently peel off the mold: set the mold on its side against the table. Gently pull back each corner one at a time, first one side and then the other, and carefully “pop out’ the dry, individual tsa tsa or “framed tsa tsa” casting, careful not to stretch the mold.
Continuously wash strainers, containers, and molds immediately after use so the mixture doesn’t dry inside them; shake and tap off any residual water and dry thoroughly [in the sun] between every use.
When dry, smooth out irregularities with a sharp tool [dental tool, etc.]
Gently brush out any residual dust or flakes.
Sand off any rough outer edges of the finished image with light sandpaper.
Please note: Occasional, tiny bubble marks are acceptable - larger bubbles are not. Especially, there should be no bubble marks on the face, in the eyes, etc. These can be repaired by brushing leftover mixture into those holes which smooths out the “pitted” quality.
Documented by Julie Rogers for TLC Transitional Life Care - 2024

Methods used at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple and Tashi Choling Temple, per instructions from the Tsa Tsa Factory. 6-30-24