TLC's Free Video Page
Recordings of our past events.
TLC is pleased to now offer all our videos free as a way to thank you for your support and interest, and to encourage awareness of how precious our lives truly are. We hope that these educational opportunities enrich and increase understanding for all who encounter them. Thank you for supporting our efforts, and for making TLC's aspirations a reality! Simply choose the video you'd like to see and click the link below it.
We have closed down our Video Rental Page and will now be adding all our videos to this page where they are accessible via YouTube and Vimeo. Thank you for your patience with our new process.
See the list of currently available videos here - to read descriptions of each, scroll down below the links. If you see a video listed here that you’d like to watch that is not yet available, email us at and we will assist you in watching it.
If you’d like to make a donation to support our Film Archive Project. this assists our efforts to bring you meaningful guidance for end of life preparation and related topics of interest. May all beings benefit.
1. The Bardo of Luminosity - with Tsoknyi Rinpoche​​
Recorded on Zoom 11-5-22
2. Moving through Grief with Trust - Excerpt from a Dharma Talk with Lama Choyang ​CLICK HERE 34:00
Recorded on Zoom 7-23-22
3. New Choices: Alternative Interment & Green Burial - with Ed Bixby and Seth Viddal
Recorded on Zoom 8-20-22
4. Lighting the Path through Loss and Grief - with Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo​​ CLICK HERE 1:30 Recorded on Zoom 6-4-22​
5. Living with Sudden Loss - Excerpt from a Dharma Talk - with Lama Choyang​​ CLICK HERE 33:12 Recorded on Zoom 6-3-23
6. The Healing Nature of Presence - with Amita Lhamo CLICK HERE 1:21
7. Knowing and Protecting Your Rights at the End of Life - Expert Advice About Advance Directives - with Rick Beeman​ CLICK HERE 1:45
8. Bridging East and West: How Buddhism is Vital to Modern Healthcare - with Drubpon Pema Rigdzin (Lama Frederico Trancoso) and Liz Hamill-Howard CLICK HERE 1:59
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 5-20-18​
9. The Practice of Bodhicitta - with Venerable Sogan Rinpoche translated by Christina Monson
Recorded on Zoom 8-22-20
10. The Conversation Project~How to Talk About Wishes for Care Through the End of Life - with Reverend Rosemary Lloyd CLICK HERE 1:45
Recorded on Zoom 4-27-24
11. The Impermanence of Self and the Guru - with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche​ CLICK HERE 1:53 ​Recorded on Zoom 5-25-24
12. Love, Compassion and Grief: How Death Affects the Living with HE Namgay Dawa Rinpoche​ CLICK HERE 1:48
Recorded on Zoom 8-25-24​
​13. “The Practice of Spiritual Caregiving: Monastic and Lay Perspectives for the End of Life” - with Gelongma Lozang Yönten & Leigh Miller, PhD.​​ CLICK HERE 1:48
Recorded on Zoom 7-27-24
14. Legal Matters at the End of Life - with Vajrayana Buddhist Attorneys Kathleen Pratt and Vanessa Kubota CLICK HERE 2:33
Recorded on Zoom 11-6-21
​15. Tibetan Medical Approaches to Care in the Dying Process - with Dr. Nashalla Nyinda, Menpa TMD MA Acu LMT CLICK HERE 1:53
Recorded on Zoom 9-10-22​​
16. Care for the End of Life and Terminal Illness - with Stephanie Crawford, RN, BSN, Death Doula, and Hospice Nurse CLICK HERE 1:45
Recorded on Zoom 4-22-23
17. Teachings and Advice for the End of Life - with Chagdud Khadro CLICK HERE 2:40
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 4-24-18
18. Releasing Attachment to Prepare for the Bardo - with Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche CLICK HERE 2:13
Recorded on Zoom 1-31-21
19. The Death of Death~Tibetan Views on the Ultimate Journey - with Andrew Holecek CLICK HERE 1:56
20. Present at the Bedside: The Wisdom of Vimalakirti - with Judith Simmer-Brown, Ph.D. CLICK HERE 1:46
21. The Healing Power of Prayer - with Chagdud Khadro CLICK HERE 1:09
22. The Truth of Impermanence - with Dungse Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche translated by Jacob Archuletta CLICK HERE 1:15
23. Before Rebirth: The Bardo of Becoming in Plain English - with Loppon Yudron Wangmo CLICK HERE 2:28
Recorded on Zoom 10-31-20
24. Meditations for Here to Hereafter - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Vanessa Kubota
A Six Part Series - Rinpoche asks that this series be viewed in its entirety.
Part Three - CLICK HERE
Part Four - CLICK HERE
Part Five - CLICK HERE
Recorded on Zoom 11/20-4/21
25. Preparing for Death~The Sutra On Wisdom for the Time of Death - with HH Kathog Getse Rinpoche translated by Dr. Robert Clark CLICK HERE 3:06
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 8-20-17
26. Understanding the Neydren Ritual for the Deceased - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Kirsten Anchetta CLICK HERE 2:11
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 4-21-19
27. Mindful Living, Mindful Death: Assisting a Loved One Through a Graceful Transition - with Lama Glenn Mullin CLICK HERE 1:54
28. Caregiving at the End of Life - with Joshua Hayes, RN, and Buffy Plante, RN CLICK HERE 2:16
Recorded at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 11-22-15
29. A Deep Chat about Hospice - with Joshua Hayes, RN, Hospice Nurse CLICK HERE 2:04
30. The Bardos During Transition - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Shashi Reitz 5:31
Rinpoche asks that this series be viewed in its entirety.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 7-29-18
31. The Importance of Faith During the Dying Process - with Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel 3:44
This program is to be viewed in its entirety.
Recorded on Zoom 2-12-22
32. Experiencing the Bardos through Dreaming - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Jacob Archuletta 4:31
Rinpoche asks that this series be viewed in its entirety.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 1-20-19
33. Dream Yoga - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Vanessa Kubota 10:45
Rinpoche asks that this series be viewed in its entirety.
Part Three - CLICK HERE
Recorded on Zoom 4-16, 5-21 & 6-25-22
34. Cutting Through Fear in the Dying Process - with Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo CLICK HERE 1:36
Recorded on Zoom 10-28-23
35. Natural Freedom Upon Hearing: Teachings on the Bardos - with Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche translated by Vanessa Kubota CLICK HERE 4:37
Recorded on Zoom 9-23-23
36. Caring for the Body After Death Part 1 - with Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche translated by Ila Reitz CLICK HERE 1:34
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 11-12 & 13-16
37. Skillful Means at the End of Life with Lama John Ross CLICK HERE 2:23
Recorded on Zoom 5-8-21
38. The Sutra that Reveals the Eleven Recognitions~Lord Buddha's Advice for the Time of Death - with Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche - 2 Parts/3:41
Please view this teaching in its entirety.
Recorded on Zoom 8-29-21
39. Life in Relation to Death - with Lama Tsering Everest - CLICK HERE 1:50
Recorded on Zoom 3-24-24
40. How to Face Death Without Fear - with Venerable Robina Courtin - CLICK HERE 1:48
Recorded on Zoom 6-22-24 ​
41. NEW! Nourishing the Grieving Heart - An Excerpted Teaching - with Lama Choyang - CLICK HERE 34:24 Recorded on Zoom 12-7-24
1. The Bardo of Luminosity - A Teaching by Tsoknyi Rinpoche​​
During this teaching, Tsoknyi Rinpoche lucidly discusses our opportunities during the "bardo of living" to prepare for the "bardo of luminosity" that follows death. With characteristic humor, he shows us how our practice during the various bardos will support and lead us to recognition of our true nature. He illuminates how the stability of our meditation has an impact on our dream yoga practice, which can greatly influence our experience between death and rebirth in the "bardo of becoming". Rinpoche points out that engaging in the exercise of cutting through our ordinary perceptions helps to purify our minds on the path to the non-dual state of awareness. He reminds us that our motivations are essential to spiritual development and how, during the bardo of living, consciousness is linked with the bardo of dying and our own luminosity. Tsoknyi Rinpoche is a world-renowned Vajrayana Buddhist teacher and the founder of the Pundarika Foundation. He helped to oversee the Tergar Osel Ling Monastery, founded in Kathmandu, Nepal by his father, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. Tsoknyi Rinpoche is a great supporter of nuns, particularly the Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns in Eastern Tibet, and this is the subject of a wonderful documentary called "Blessings: The Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet" narrated by Richard Gere. He is also the author of Carefree Dignity, Fearless Simplicity, and Open Heart-Open Mind’.
2. Moving through Grief with Trust - An Excerpt from a Dharma Talk with Lama Choyang
This video is an excerpt from Lama Choyang's talk about actively working with grief. Personal loss, the impact of our climate crisis, the war in Ukraine, and the ongoing pandemic are all addressed. Lama Choyang explores how we access our refuge, the ground, and the spaciousness to stay present for our suffering hearts and world, drawing from her experience as a hospice chaplain and dharma teacher. Lama Choyang (Allison Rader) is a Vajrayana Buddhist teacher who worked as a hospice chaplain for five years with Hospice of Humboldt. Her root teachers are Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and his Dzogchen lineage holder, Lama Drimed Norbu. She completed seven years of retreat under Lama Drimed's guidance and was ordained by him in 2009. Lama Choyang teaches dharma, leads retreats, and offers grief counseling, grief workshops, and spiritual mentoring in Arcata, CA, and online.
3. New Choices: Alternative Interment & Green Burial - with Ed Bixby and Seth Viddal
This program with Ed Bixby, President of the Green Burial Council and owner of Destination Destiny and green cemeteries across the US, and Seth Viddal, partner with The Natural Funeral and Reverent Body Care, Parlor Magazine, and, presents pertinent and compelling information about alternatives to traditional burial and cremation. This video is perfect for those interested in or curious about new interment methods and funeral practices that offer a dignified resting place while protecting the environment. In a friendly and accessible manner, these two professionals introduce possibilities that are currently becoming more popular and being legalized in various states in the US. They also share insights about how meaningful these new methods are for families and loved ones. A significant amount of information is offered that will assist with making decisions about end of life disposition and other concerns. A powerpoint presentation as well as questions and answers are included. Highly recommended by TLC.
4. Lighting the Path through Loss and Grief - with Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo
In this poignant teaching, Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo opens the conversation about bereavement and learning to accept the reality of death. Her open-hearted approach to this subject, often avoided in the west, includes her great knowledge of Buddhist scripture and western psychology. She leads the listener through a sensitive contemplation of “The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind" as well as unconditional love to help us work with grief. Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo is a scholar, retreat master, and teacher recognized by His Holiness Sakya Trizin Rinpoche. She was the rebirth Freda Bedi, known as Sister Palmo, who helped bring Buddhism to the west in the early 1970s. She has completed nine years studying at Ngagyur Nyingma Nunnery at Namdroling, and nine years of retreat, and also has a degree in western psychology and currently teaches at Ewam Buddhist Center in Arles, Montana. Please forgive the slight technical issue visual observable in this video.
5. Living with Sudden Loss - An Excerpt from a Dharma Talk with Lama Choyang
Lama Choyang, Buddhist teacher, grief counselor and former hospice chaplain, explores the mostly unspoken world of loss and grief that often accompany a traumatic or sudden death. Join her in a guided mediation during this short teaching that reveals insights relevant to the many ways we experience bereavement. In her accessible manner, Lama Choyang draws from her experience as she encourages and reminds us of our potential to heal. Lama Choyang's root teachers are Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and his Dzogchen lineage holder, Lama Drimed Norbu. She completed seven years of retreat under Lama Drimed's guidance and was ordained by him in 2009. Lama Choyang teaches dharma, leads retreats, and offers grief counseling, grief workshops, and spiritual mentoring in Arcata, CA, and online.
6. The Healing Nature of Presence - with Amita Lhamo
In this video Amita Lhamo shares various qualities of presence available to us in times of fear, illness, and death, such as tools for remaining present while honoring our vulnerability. Amita Lhamo nurtures the listener with inspiration and guided contemplations and this video is highly recommended for supporting oneself and others. Amita Lhamo is the Director of the Mandorla Project. As a former hospice chaplain and spiritual care director, she has assisted many through the dying process. She is the author of Dandelions Blooming in the Cracks of Sidewalks: Stories from the Bedside of the Dying, and Wisdom Moon: Presence in Dying.
7. Knowing and Protecting Your Rights at the End of Life - Expert Advice About Advance Directives - with Rick Beeman
Advance Care specialist Rick Beeman explains many reasons why it is imperative to create an Advance Directive and how to document end of life wishes. POLST forms are also addressed, help is given to identify a qualified person to act as one’s Power of Attorney, and explanations are offered about how to attach an “addenda” to any existing, basic Advance Directive. Tools are also given to begin conversations with loved ones about end-of-life wishes. Rick Beeman's books, 'My Dying Wishes: How I Want to Be Treated as I Go and After I’m Gone', and its related workbook, 'Advance Directive Essentials' are utilized and recommended by TLC [order from Amazon]. They are perfect companions for TLC’s ‘Instructions for the Transitional State’ Buddhist end of life manual. A PowerPoint presentation and “questions and answers” are included. Rick Beeman has been a chaplain for forty years, as well as an author, videographer, and documentarian. His work with Ars Moriendi Project is dedicated to improving the quality of life for elders as the end-of-life approaches, the emphasis being on providing education, resources, and advocacy for elders relating to aging, dying, and death.
8. Bridging East and West: How Buddhism is Vital to Modern Healthcare - with Drubpon Pema Rigdzin (Lama Frederico Trancoso) and Liz Hamill-Howard
Vajrayana practitioners and hospice chaplains Lama Frederico Trancoso and Liz Hamill-Howard share some of their experiences and perspectives about bridging dharma with the medical arena. Their advice includes answers to questions we normally don’t know to ask. With the knowledge they’ve developed and honed through experience as chaplains, their insights help to educate us about the medical system and how to be more supportive as we provide bedside assistance to our own loved ones. Frederico Trancoso is a Buddhist teacher and practitioner and has served as a chaplain with Stanford Health Care and the Hospice of Santa Cruz County. A Buddhist practitioner and interfaith chaplain, Liz Hamill-Howard trained at Stanford and UCSF in California.
9. Venerable Sogan Rinpoche - The Practice of Bodhicitta translated by Christina Monson
Bodhicitta is the realization of compassion, or “enlightened mind.” It is both the foundation and an essential aspect of all Buddhist practice, and is accomplished when we realize the empty nature of awareness; we practice bodhicitta as we benefit sentient beings. During this teaching, Sogan Rinpoche guides us toward understanding the nature of this truth by referencing the Bodhicharyavatara and Patrul Rinpoche's text, ‘A Precious Treasury of Advice from the One-to-One Oral Lineage’. Venerable Sogan Rinpoche (Tulku Pema Lodoe) was born in Golok, Tibet. He was recognized by the XlVth Dalai Lama as the Sixth Sogan Rinpoche. Rinpoche spent many years in retreat and later established The Sogan Foundation as a way to alleviate the suffering of the marginalized poor in Golok. He is the spiritual director of Tupten Osel Choling in the San Francisco Bay Area and also of Tupten Osel Ling in Italy. Christina Monson is an esteemed translator who worked with ‘Light of Berotsana’ and was a primary translator for Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche. TLC's board of directors has dedicated this video to the memory of Christina Monson who passed away in 2023.​
10. The Conversation Project - How to Talk About Wishes for Care Through the End of Life - with Reverend Rosemary Lloyd CLICK HERE 1:45
April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day when we're reminded about completing Advance Directives and end of life documents. The Conversation Project is a big promoter of this important task. In April 2024 Reverend Rosemary Lloyd, an advisor for that organization, joined us with an inspiring PowerPoint presentation about approaching how to talk with our families, caregivers, and loved ones about our health care. This video provides many tips and takes us through a simple check list called The Conversation Starter Guide, provided free by The Conversation Project. We all want our wishes and those of our loved ones to be understood and respected. Here you'll find examples of how to bring up this topic even when people are uncomfortable with the discussion, how to address complex family situations, and suggestions for how to talk with a health care team. Reverend Rosemary's knowledge and helpful skill are fueled by her experience as an RN, a hospice volunteer, a minister, and a caregiver. She is a graduate of Georgetown University, Harvard Divinity School, and the Metta Institute for Compassionate End of Life Care led by Frank Ostaseski, co-founder of the San Francisco Zen Hospice House and author of 'The Five Invitations'. An ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and Advisor to faith communities for The Conversation Project, Reverend Rosemary has led classes on aging, living, and dying well for 20 years. TLC encourages you to download, print, and utilize the guide, accessed by the links above, and have it on hand while watching this encouraging video.​
11. The Impermanence of Self and the Guru - with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche
For years now, the first generation of western Buddhist students have been experiencing the parinirvanas of our teachers, many of whom were the most revered of our time. Losing them has been difficult and heartbreaking since their guidance is irreplaceable. The same goes for our sangha community and ourselves–we are all living with the inevitable outcome of birth, old age, and sickness, as Buddha taught. The deaths of our teachers, loved ones, and ourselves is one of the greatest challenges we endure as sentient beings. In this teaching, Lama Lakshey Rinpoche helps us look at this truth and guides us to work with our minds and hearts to accept our situation. By closely examining the reality of impermanence, he helps us recognize how we can integrate this awareness into our practice. Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche was born in Golok, Tibet. He began his training in the Kathok Nyingma tradition at Mardo Tashi Choling and later studied at Larung Gar in Tibet with HH Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and other masters. Rinpoche was formally recognized and enthroned by HH Katog Getse Rinpoche. In 2011 Lama Lakshey founded and is the spiritual advisor of Tsinta Mani Choling, who began establishing a center in Aptos CA in 2024. This is the second time he has taught for TLC – see our Audio Archive soon for his teaching, “Understanding Tukdam”. Lama Lakshey Rinpoche has taught widely and his modern approach to teaching meditation addresses the needs of people from a variety of backgrounds.
12. “Love, Compassion and Grief: How Death Affects the Living” with HE Namgay Dawa Rinpoche
His Eminence Namgay Dawa Rinpoche shares his heart in this teaching as he talks about the losses of his family members and how grief has changed his life and deepened his practice. His sincere and forthright message allows us to recognize how sorrow and bereavement lead to understanding and awareness as we examine impermanence, the preciousness of our lives, and the power of our spiritual practice. Rinpoche’s familiarity with western culture is apparent here as he freely says what we seldom allow ourselves to think about, and he does so with authenticity and humility. Namgay Dawa Rinpoche is the grandson of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, and the son of Dungsey Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche. His mother is H.R.H. Ashi Pema Codon Wangchuk, a royal family member of Bhutan. He is the reincarnation of Tulku Phulung Sangye Rinpoche, a principal root teacher of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. Namgay Dawa Rinpoche was enthroned by Dudjom Rinpoche, who blessed him and predicted his future. Rinpoche’s activities are ongoing at the Dudjom Tersar Yeshe Nyingpo Temple in New York where he is the resident lama. His main objective is to share the dharma and accomplish the wishes of his forefathers. Namgay Dawa Rinpoche’s open-hearted warmth, understanding of Westerners, and disarming sincerity are a source of solace and delight.
​13. “The Practice of Spiritual Caregiving: Monastic and Lay Perspectives for the End of Life” with Gelongma Lozang Yönten & Leigh Miller, PhD.
In this video, Gelongma Lozang Yönten and Dr. Leigh Miller, distinguished faculty members from Maitripa College Chaplaincy Program in Portland, OR, share their experiences providing care for those in the dying process. Both offer excellent spiritual and practical guidance and incorporate a useful, easy to follow PowerPoint presentation that will be very helpful to families, caregivers, and those involved with the medical world. Questions and answers are included. Gelongma Lozang Yönten is a Buddhist nun who teaches and leads retreats full-time as a Registered Teacher with The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). She has served as an educator and chaplain at Maitripa College in Portland, OR since 2022. Dr. Leigh Miller, PhD is a professor and Director of the Master of Divinity program at Maitripa College in Portland, OR. She is a part-time hospice chaplain and publishes writings focused on Buddhist Chaplaincy. Dr. Miller is involved in Clinical Pastoral Education and is a founding member of the Buddhist Ministry Working Group. She also acts as the co-chair of the Innovations in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care unit of the American Academy of Religion.
14. Legal Matters at the End of Life - with Attorneys Kathleen Pratt and Vanessa Kubota
Putting things in order for the end of life to support yourself and those who care for you involves extensive preparation, and includes several documents. Putting all of this together is a time-consuming task involving a need for guidance. This program is perfect for anyone who wants to accomplish this. Kathleen Pratt, a CA attorney with extensive experience and knowledge, offers advice about why this matters, and how to complete Wills and Trusts, Advance Directives, and Powers of Attorney. The included and useful PowerPoint presentation explains what needs to be done and why it's important. Kathleen M. Pratt is a long-time Vajrayana Buddhist practitioner and an AV-rated attorney and mediator with over 30 years of experience, including estate planning. Throughout her life, she has also volunteered as a “death doula”, and has helped many people navigate the dying process. Vanessa A. Kubota is a Tibetan Buddhist translator as well as a licensed attorney with a special interest in estate planning. This presentation is highly recommended by TLC.
15. Tibetan Medical Approaches to Care in the Dying Process - Dr. Nashalla Nyinda, Menpa TMD MA Acu LMT
Dr. Nashalla Nyinda, TMD MA reveals the experiences that take place during transition into death in this video. She clearly explains the various physical and elemental stages one goes through from the Tibetan medical viewpoint, a system that reveals more than western medicine is able to. Her explanation is very helpful for caregivers, families, and friends who are witnessing and/or assisting during this process. Dr. Nyinda’s Power Point presentation explains the dissolution of the elements in detail and how this can be recognized, and she shares personal anecdotes. Dr. Nashalla Nyinda began the study of Tibetan Medicine over twenty years ago. She attended Chagpori Institute Clinic in India, the Quing Hai Tibetan Medical College, Tibet, The Shang Shung Institute of Tibetan Medicine, Naropa University, and The Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture. She is now an Adjunct Professor at Naropa University and teaches healing techniques worldwide. Dr. Nyinda is the director of the Nyinda Clinic of Tibetan Medicine & Holistic Healing Clinic in Boulder, Colorado.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
16. Care for the End of Life and Terminal Illness with Stephanie Crawford, RN, BSN, Death Doula and Hospice Nurse
Stephanie Crawford, RN guides us through an overview and brief history of the US funeral industry, the differences between practicing as a death doula and hospice nurse, and between hospice and palliative care. She explains how the fear of death and associated anxiety can be relieved by cultivating calm with mindfulness, spiritual exploration, education, and practical planning. This supportive and comforting program highlights the understanding that dying is a sacred part of life. Stephanie Crawford began her nursing career on a trauma and oncology unit at Stanford Hospital where she was introduced to the complexities of our current healthcare system, especially those related to end-of-life care. After witnessing many chaotic, traumatic, and unprepared-for hospital deaths, she founded 'Awakened Endings', an organization that educates and improves quality of life by way of death doula assistance. Questions and answers are included - suitable for a wide audience.
Recorded on Zoom 4-22-23
17. Teachings and Advice for the End of Life with Chagdud Khadro
Esteemed American lama and p’howa master Chagdud Khadro clearly explains the dying process from the Vajrayana Buddhist perspective in this teaching. Her straightforward advice and detailed descriptions of the dissolution of the elements, practical advice regarding "end of life" paperwork, stories, and other invaluable information, reassure us that we can ready ourselves and help others during the end of life transition. This film includes questions and answers and is highly recommended for Buddhists and those of any background. Chagdud Khadro has over thirty years of experience teaching Buddhism in countries worldwide. She provides p’howa training to guide the dying and deceased, authorized by her teacher and husband, HE Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, and is the Spiritual Director of Khadro Ling in Tres Coroas, Brazil.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 4-24-18
18. Releasing Attachment to Prepare for the Bardo with Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche
Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche is a highly esteemed Nyingma lama in the Palyul tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism, as well as a recognized scholar and accomplished Dzogchen master. In this teaching, Khenchen Rinpoche gives a comprehensive overview of the Buddhist view and approach to the end of life, along with practical advice. This talk includes a concise review of the bardo of death, the dharmata bardo, and the bardo of becoming, and is a fully qualified resource to help practitioners prepare for the end of life transition.
Recorded on Zoom 1-31-21
19. The Death of Death ~ Tibetan Views on the Ultimate Journey with Andrew Holecek
With an accessible and fascinating delivery, Andrew Holecek reveals the Tibetan perspective of death, interwoven with quotes by great wisdom teachers and philosophers, and offers explanations about how to incorporate the truth of our deathless nature. He examines the nature of fear and instills a sense of confidence in practice and our ability to accomplish it, along with a positive and potentially “awakened” transition. This talk includes inspiring information about how to utilize dreaming and dream yoga and how mediation will help us prepare for transition. Andrew Holecek is an internationally known Dharma teacher and author who often blends the wisdom of the East with knowledge from the West. The focus of his study extends from lucid dreaming and resolving obstacles in meditation to death and dying. An expert on lucid dreaming and the Tibetan yogas of sleep and dream, Dr. Holecek is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the author of scientific papers on lucid dreaming.
Recorded on Zoom 3-25-23
20. Present at the Bedside - The Wisdom of Vimalakirti with Judith Simmer-Brown, Ph.D
Judith Simmer-Brown, Ph.D., a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Contemplative and Religious Studies and founding faculty member at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and an “Archarya” at Shambhala International, shares the profound teachings of the accomplished lay practitioner Vimalakirti who lived at the time of Buddha. In the Vimalakirti Sutra, pith advice is given about how to effectively recognize and provide “hands on” bedside care as dharma practice in order to actively train in compassion. This artful PowerPoint presentation utilizes clarifying slogans created by Ms. Simmer-Brown that she adapted from the sutra, along with traditional Buddhist art. Later in the teaching, she addresses the importance of Buddhist chaplaincy, and questions and answers are included. This video marks the premier release of Professor Simmer-Brown’s slogans as part of this lucid and educational PowerPoint. A Buddhist practitioner since the early 1970’s, she became a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1974. Her teaching specialties are meditation practice, Buddhist philosophy, tantric Buddhism, Buddhist chaplaincy, and contemplative higher education.
Recorded on Zoom 12-2-23
21. The Healing Power of Prayer – with Chagdud Khadro
The healing power of prayer cannot be underestimated. Buddhism embraces prayer as a vital part of practice that creates a deep connection with our hearts, awareness, and faith. Chagdud Khadro, an esteemed American lama, shares how to bring this profound practice into our daily lives. Chagdud Khadro has been offering Buddhist teachings worldwide for many years. She is the Spiritual Director of Khadro Ling in Tres Coroas, Brazil, has developed various p’howa support groups among practitioners, and also provides counsel for the end of life. Khadro was the spiritual wife and companion of HE Chagdud Rinpoche who empowered her to teach and perform p'howa, the transference of consciousness.
Recorded on Zoom 10-4-20
22. The Truth of Impermanence with Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche - translated by Jacob Archuletta
Chakung Jigmed Wangdrak Rinpoche offers a simple and direct overview of the transitory nature of all phenomena and how we can utilize our awareness of impermanence to enhance and accomplish our practice and enrich our daily life. Chakung Jigmed Wangdrak Rinpoche is a descendant of the 19th century Vajrayana Nyingma master Dudjom Lingpa. At 15 he was recognized as the tulku of Rigzin Longsel Nyingpo by Choktrul Tamdrin Wangyel. He attended Larung Gar Monastery and studied Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen and received empowerments from His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok, who requested that Rinpoche teach and preserve the lineage of Dudjom Lingpa, as did Dakini Kunzang Wangmo, a well-known female teacher and descendent of Dudjom Lingpa. While in Tibet, Rinpoche was responsible for the publication of many revelatory writings from Dudjom Lingpa and produced an original woodblock edition of The 100,000 Tantras of the Nyingma Lineage, published at the Derge Printing House. In 2014, Rinpoche founded The Abhaya Fellowship, a Buddhist community dedicated to keeping the Nyingma lineage of the Dudjom Tersar alive. He is the resident lama at Longsal Ling in El Cerrito, CA.
Recorded on Zoom 7-18-20
23. Before Rebirth: The Bardo of Becoming in Plain English with Loppon Yudron Wangmo
Loppon Yudron's workshop focuses on the period after death and before conception known as the “intermediate state of becoming”, the Si pa’i Bardo. She discusses a range of related topics, such as reincarnation, children's memories from former lives, interdependent origination, and how Buddhism relates to contemporary science. Loppon Yudron Wangmo is the director and resident teacher of the Mayum Mountain Foundation in Copperopolis, CA. She leads online classes and practice sessions, in-person and online retreats, and individualized programs of study, practice, and support for practitioners.
Recorded on Zoom 10-31-20
24. Meditations for Here to Hereafter - A Six-Part Teaching Series - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Vanessa Kubota
Khenpo Paljor Gyatso focuses on ‘The Wheel of Analytical Meditation that Thoroughly Purifies Mental Activity’, composed by the great Nyingma Master, Mipham Rinpoche. Suitable for practitioners on many levels, straightforward explanations about meditation, both analytical and practice-based, and an expansive and clarifying discussion of Buddhist philosophy is offered. The latter part of the series includes brief meditation sessions. Questions and answers are included. Khenpo Paljor Gyatso is a brilliant scholar and was a disciple of Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche. He served as a lecturer at the Tibetan Language Program at Stanford University and has founded dharma centers in the USA. Khenpo Paljor is currently the resident lama at Milarepa Buddhist Center in Iowa City, Iowa.
Recorded on Zoom November 2020 though April 2021 [Part One: 11-11/21/20, Part Two: 12/9/20, Part Three: 1/16/20, Part Four: 2/13/20, Part Five: 3/13/20 & Part Six: 4/17/20]
25. Preparing for Death - with HH Kathog Getse Rinpoche translated by Dr. Robert Clark
His Holiness Getse Rinpoche, an esteemed Dzogchen Master and, at that time, Head of the Nyingma School of Vajrayana Buddhism, elucidates pith teachings from a Buddhist sutra, 'The Sutra on Wisdom for the Time of Death'. This film contains heart advice and guidance focusing on the end of life and how to prepare the mind for transition. It was TLC's great fortune to be able to host this great master. The teaching was filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple in Alameda, CA almost exactly one year before His Holiness's parinirvana, and it's poignancy is evident.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 8-20-17
26. Understanding the Neydren Ritual for the Deceased - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Kersten Anchetta
Khenpo Paljor Gyatso offers general teachings on the Vajrayana Buddhist Neydren ritual that guides those in the intermediate state following death to the Realm of Great Bliss, Sukhavati, and higher rebirth. Clear, accessible explanations are provided including locating & relaxing the consciousness, gathering accumulations & purifying obscurations, transference to the pure realm, cremation, and prayers. Khenpo Paljor Gyatso is an accomplished scholar and disciple of Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro Rinpoche. He has served as a lecturer at the Tibetan Language Program at Stanford University and is currently the resident lama at Milarepa Buddhist Center in Iowa City, Iowa.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 4-21-19
27. Mindful Living, Mindful Death: Assisting a Loved One Through a Graceful Transition – with Lama Glenn Mullin
With characteristic directness and sincerity, Lama Glenn Mullin covers various aspects of the Vajrayana path related to the end of life. He stresses the accomplishments of dream yoga, sadhana practice, and p'howa as supreme methods to enter transition with grace and to successfully navigate the bardos. He also explains the dissolution of the body's elements, the bardo experience that follows death, and related aspects of transition. Personal stories are shared and a few questions and answers are included. Lama Glenn Mullin is an international Buddhist teacher and the author of over thirty books on Tibetan Buddhism, among them, ‘The Tibetan Book of the Dead - An Illustrated Edition’ and ‘Living in the Face of Death’. About this volume, Elizabeth Kübler-Ross wrote, “I am grateful to the author for the immense labor he has put into this masterpiece.” A devoted student of HH the Dalai Lama and other Vajrayana Buddhist masters as well as a curator of Tibetan art and dance, Lama Glenn leads pilgrimages to power spots in Tibet. ​
Recorded on Zoom 2-26-23
28. Caregiving at the End of Life - Joshua Hayes, Hospice RN, and Buffy Plante, RN/ICU
Two experienced medical professionals discuss an array of concerns familiar to families, caregivers, and medical advocates about the needs of the dying and how to serve them effectively, and with compassion. This program offers information about providing open communication, comfort, and support both in the home and in medical settings, while caring for ourselves in the process. Questions and answers are included. Buffy Plante and Joshua Hayes have both worked with the dying for many years, and as longtime Vajrayana Buddhist practitioners, they address these topics with empathy, clarity, and expertise.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 11-25-15
29. A Deep Chat About Hospice - Joshua Hayes, Hospice RN
Joshua Hayes, RN and hospice nurse, meets in conversation with TLC’s SF Bay Area Deep Chat Support Group, embracing the topics of hospice and palliative care. He discusses details and facts, offering advice that reveals the truth about why hospice assistance is so helpful and essential. The importance of understanding these services and how to acquire them can be key to a graceful transition. Joshua Hayes, a longtime Buddhist practitioner, has worked as an oncology nurse in hospital, hospice, and home settings. His knowledge and ability to provide clear answers to our questions with empathetic understanding is particularly helpful to those searching for the best options in end of life care. Q & A included. Highly recommended by TLC. [Please note: The video quality is not optimum due to Zoom recording issues, but the audio quality is good.]
Recorded on Zoom 5-17-21
30. The Bardos During Transition – with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Shashi Reitz
Khenpo Paljor Gyatso provides a compelling and informative examination of the experience of the dying process from the Vajrayana Buddhist perspective. His explanations about the dissolution of the elements and his descriptions of the bardos provide clear understanding for preparing oneself for the end of life. Khenpo Paljor is an accomplished scholar and disciple of Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro Rinpoche. He completed his studies at Larung Tarig College in Tibet. He has served as a lecturer at the Tibetan Language Program at Stanford University and founded dharma centers in the USA. Khenpo Paljor is currently the resident lama at Milarepa Buddhist Center in Iowa City, Iowa. Excellent translation by Shashi Reitz.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 7-29-18
31. The Importance of Faith During the Dying Process with Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel makes use of inquiry as a path toward understanding faith and awakening. She leads us to question our ideas about spirituality and “emptiness”, while examining our relationship with life and our practice, and looks deeply at assumptions and beliefs. In this teaching, Ms. Namgyel introduces “open dimensionality” and allows listeners to truly explore our conceptions of awareness and how we view the world, and how this relates to faith at the time of transition. Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, Buddhist teacher and author, is a long-time heart student of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. She is the retreat master of Samten Ling in Crestone, Colorado, and has spent over six years in retreat. She holds a degree in anthropology and an M.A. in Buddhist Studies, and teaches throughout the U.S., Australia, Europe, and South America.
Recorded on Zoom 2-12-22
32. Experiencing the Bardos through Dreaming - with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Jacob Archuletta
These teachings on the practice of “dream yoga” reveal the “bardo of dreaming” and allow us to recognize and utilize the dream state in waking, sleeping, and mediative states. Khenpo Paljor gives clear instructions about various methods that help to induce lucid dreams and transform them into the path in order to expand our awareness. This accessible and profound process assists with the preparation for death, when “clear light” will be experienced. Khenpo Paljor Gyatso is an accomplished scholar and was educated at Larung Tarig College in Tibet. He is a disciple of Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro Rinpoche. He served as a lecturer for the Tibetan Language Program at Stanford University. Khenpo Paljor is currently the resident lama at Milarepa Buddhist Center in Iowa City, Iowa.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 1-20-19
33. Dream Yoga - A Three Part Series – with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso translated by Vanessa Kubota
Khenpo Paljor Gyatso’s teachings in this three-part Dream Yoga series introduce and guide practitioners, step by step, to recognize the dream state with lucidity. These instructions explain the transitional state we are able to access as we dream, which is very similar to the (Chikkhai) bardo entered during the transition of death, experienced as “clear light”. By understanding how to utilize this accessible and profound method, dream yoga becomes a swift path to liberation during and throughout the dying process. These teachings are selected from the Six Yogas of Naropa and other texts. Khenpo Paljor asks that these teachings be watched consecutively and in their entirety. Questions and answers are included. Khenpo Paljor Gyatso was a student of Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche at Larung Tarig College in Tibet. He is a learned scholar and inspiring teacher, and is now a lama at Pure Land of Iowa Buddhist Center.
Recorded on Zoom 4-22-22, 5-21-22 & 6-25-22
34. Cutting Through Fear in the Dying Process - with Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo
Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo offers helpful instructions from the views of Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism to help us release attachment and fear during the dying process. Her teachings lead us to closely examine our actions and thoughts in order to cut through clinging to the self. Jetsunma’s clarity and her natural ability to provide practical, accessible methods offer the listener effective ways to work with ourselves as we face impermanence. Questions and answers are included. Jetsunma Jamyang Yeshe Palmo is a scholar, retreat master, and teacher recognized by His Holiness Sakya Trizin Rinpoche and enthroned by Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche. She is the rebirth of Freda Bedi, known as Sister Palmo, who helped bring Buddhism to the west in the early 1970s. Jetsunma completed nine years of study at Ngagyur Nyingma Nunnery at Namdroling and nine years of retreat. She also has a degree in western psychology and currently teaches at Ewam Buddhist Center in Arles, Montana.
Recorded on Zoom 10-28-23
35. Natural Freedom Upon Hearing: Teachings on the Bardos - with Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche translated by Vanessa Kubota​
For the first time, Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche teaches from his book, ‘Natural Freedom Upon Hearing - The Instructions on the Source Concerning the Intermediate States’. Rinpoche clearly describes the dying process as depicted in Guru Padmasambhava’s teaching in the ‘Tibetan Book of the Dead’, and explains the instructions for attaining liberation within six intermediate states. This text contains instructions on some of the highest levels of tantric practice and the presentation focuses on the various displays understood in the Vajrayana tradition. Questions and answers are included. Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche is the founder and spiritual director of Ewam International Centers around the world. He is known to be an incarnation of one of the 25 heart disciples of Guru Rinpoche, and is a renowned meditation master, teacher, scholar, author, and master stupa builder. Rinpoche established the Turquoise Leaf practice center for nuns in Nepal and India, The Garden of One Thousand Buddhas in Montana, Pema Khandroling in New Mexico, and his main seat, nunnery and monastery in India, Nupchen Namchak Monastery, among other centers.
Recorded on Zoom 9-23-23
36. Caring for the Body After Death Part 1 - with Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche translated by Ila Reitz
At the request of Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche and TLC Transitional Life Care, in 2016 Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche shared his knowledge in order to offer guidance for assisting during the dying process, and how to care for the body after death from the Vajrayana Buddhist perspective. These instructions include in-depth spiritual and practical advice and detailed guidelines about preparing for traditional Vajrayana cremation. Refer to TLC’s ‘Vajrayana Cremation’ page here on the website for a short, additional video made to demonstrate how to “wrap the body”. These rarely given teachings provide knowledge gleaned from past centuries up until the present and contain accounts from great masters, personal anecdotes, and questions and answers. Lama Sonam Tsering is a Nyingma ritual master of Tibetan Buddhism and began training in the Dudjom Tersar lineage in India, circa 1959. He received extensive guidance from His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, HE Chagdud Rinpoche, HH Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, and Lama Tharchin Rinpoche. In 1984 Chagdud Rinpoche invited Lama Sonam to the US and for many years he served as a resident lama at Chagdud Gonpa’s
Dechen Ling Buddhist Center in Cottage Grove, Oregon. In 1999, Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and Lama Tharchin Rinpoche both entrusted Lama Sonam to oversee and guide the Vajrayana Foundation at Pema Osel Ling.
Filmed at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple 8- 7-16
37. Skillful Means at the End of Life - with Lama John Ross
This dharma talk offers explanations about the importance of accumulating merit and enacting “skillful means”, and includes descriptions of the stages of dissolution from teachings by HH Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje. Lama John's useful “Checklist for Travelers” suggests many essential tools we need to have at the "end of life" and his advice is simultaneously practical and spiritually oriented. Lama John has been authorized by Buddhist masters to teach since 2005 when he completed extensive retreat. He teaches, leads students in practice and study, and is an accomplished translator. His knowledge and proficiency in explaining how to navigate the end of life is cause for this film to be highly recommended by TLC.
38. The Sutra that Reveals the Eleven Recognitions~Lord Buddha's Advice for the Time of Death -with Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche
This two-part teaching by Khenpo Norgay Rinpoche is essential, being the final advice Buddha Shakyamuni gave his disciples before his transition. Khenpo Norgay Rinpoche offers these pith oral instructions with clarity and authenticity as he reveals their profound meaning. Accepting and practicing these eleven “recognitions” or perceptions is all we need do to ensure an auspicious passage from this life. Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche was educated at Namdroling Monastery in Mysore, India and in 1998 His Holiness Penor Rinpoche formally enthroned him as a Khenpo. He taught at the Palyul Buddhist college in Tibet, and now, due to his accomplishments and excellent command of the English language, Khenpo Norgay teaches for Palyul lineage programs in the US. Highly recommended by TLC.
Recorded on Zoom 8-29-21
39. Lama Tsering Everest - Life in Relation to Death
Lama Tsering Everest speaks from her heart and the pith instructions of HE Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche in this video as she reveals teachings from his book ‘Life in Relation to Death’. This inspiring contemplation on the nature of impermanence helps us to look at our lives and the way we think, and directly addresses our mortality and the precious gift of being able engage in dharma practice. Lama Tsering is endowed with a keen ability to help us open our eyes and keep our attention focused on utilizing our energies for the benefit of beings. This teaching offers many insights and much encouragement for those on the path. Lama Tsering Everest was recognized by HE Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche as an emanation of Tara and a Red Tara lineage holder. She acted as Chagdud Rinpoche’s translator for 11 years, and since completing a traditional three-year retreat during the mid-1990s, she has been teaching and offering empowerments. Lama Tsering is now the director of Chagdud Gonpa Odsal Ling in São Paulo, Brazil. She teaches and leads retreats across Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, and returns annually to North America.
Recorded on Zoom 3-24-24
40. Venerable Robina Courtin - How to Face Death Without Fear
In this teaching, Venerable Robina Courtin faces the truth of impermanence head on and leads us examine how attachment to this life is the source of fear. Her keen understanding and razor-like intelligence cut through the hesitancy many of us feel to talk about death, and her compassion allows for wit and empathy. Half of this program allows for questions and answers, during which we hear both common and very personal inquiries about dying and our relationship to dharma in the process. This talk is based on her teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s book, ‘How to Face Death Without Fear’. It is clear that Venerable Robina has made his wisdom her own as she helps us prepare for and accept death, while fully embracing life, so that we can assist others in the doing the same. Venerable Robina Courtin is an Australia-bornVajrayana nun authorized to teach by her heart gurus, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe. She was ordained in 1978 and has worked and taught for FPMT, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, since the 1970s. Venerable Robina has served as editorial director of Wisdom Publications, as editor of Mandala Magazine, and as executive director of the Liberation Prison Project, and continues to teach dharma worldwide. She is renowned for her direct, down-to-earth teachings about a wide range of subjects, and for her many meritorious activities.
​Recorded on Zoom 2-22-24
41. Nourishing the Grieving Heart – with Lama Choyang
Drawing from her experience as a hospice chaplain and dharma teacher, by way of meditation, contemplation, and conversation, Lama Choyang introduced and guided the participants through understanding ways we can rely on ourselves and support others in healing from grief. She also discussed how integrating simple ritual and prayer into this process enables us to create an environment in our minds and hearts that can nurture us through the most difficult times. This event touched on both personal bereavement as well as sorrow related to the situations so many are enduring across the globe, and the interactive aspect allowed opportunities for those present to converse or submit questions and comments. ​Lama Choyang (Allison Rader) is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher who worked for five years as a chaplain with Hospice of Humboldt. Her root teachers are Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and his Dzogchen lineage holder, Lama Drimed Norbu. She completed seven years of retreat under Lama Drimed's guidance and was ordained by him in 2009. Lama Choyang teaches dharma, leads retreats, and offers grief counseling, grief workshops, and spiritual mentoring in Arcata, CA, and online.
Recorded on Zoom 12-7-24​