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Planned Giving with TLC


Thank you for considering TLC's Planned Giving opportunities and our ongoing efforts to provide support, education, and a wide variety of resources for increasing understanding and the ability to make informed choices in preparation for a positive and meaningful transition at the end of life.


Planned giving is so-called because, depending on the type of gift, the donor, donor's financial adviser/accountant/attorney, and the non-profit organization (TLC) need to coordinate efforts and/or allow time for such donations to be completed. Some types of planned gifts provide a current financial benefit to the donor in addition to supporting TLC; others benefit TLC in the future by receiving a portion of your estate after you die.


Here are ways you can support TLC now or in the future:


  • Donate stock or other securities – Receive a tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax.

  • Make a tax-free gift from your traditional IRA (aka Charitable Rollover or Qualified Charitable Distribution [QCD]) – Reduce your taxable income if you are age 70-1/2 or older and help satisfy any Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) you may be required to take.


How to leave TLC a legacy gift from your estate

  • Include TLC as a beneficiary in your Will – Leave a lasting gift to ensure a strong future for TLC.

  • Name TLC as a beneficiary of your IRA retirement plan – Avoid taxes for your estate and your heirs.

  • Make TLC a beneficiary of your life insurance policy – Receive an income tax deduction.


Other ways

Most planned gifts are simple, such as beneficiary designations and Wills. However, other more complicated types of planned giving are possible, such as making TLC the owner of a life insurance policy you no longer need, gifting real estate or personal property, or including TLC in annuities and trusts. If you would like to explore any of these options, please have your financial adviser, accountant or attorney contact TLC at


The Details ~ Choices for Taking Action


Donate stock

Transfer shares of stock from your brokerage account to TLC’s brokerage account. This lowers your income taxes in two ways: the value donated counts as a charitable contribution tax deduction and you avoid paying capital gains tax on the stock’s appreciation. Please contact to make arrangements for such a transfer.


Make a gift from your IRA

Instruct your IRA provider to issue a check directly to “TLC Transitional Life Care.” This counts toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and avoids paying taxes on the income. Please contact for assistance or further information.


Include TLC in your Will

Revise your will or add a codicil naming TLC as a beneficiary who would receive a portion of your estate. Please make sure to use TLC’s full legal name (“TLC Transitional Life Care”) and tax identification number (47-1952551). While not required, we would appreciate knowing that you have made this bequest and the name and contact information of your Executor. You can contact us at for assistance or further information.


Name TLC in your IRA

Contact your IRA provider to name TLC as a beneficiary to receive part or all of your IRA. Most IRAs allow multiple beneficiaries, contingent beneficiaries and/or primary and secondary beneficiaries. Please make sure to use TLC’s legal name (“TLC Transitional Life Care”) and tax identification number (47-1952551). While not required, we would appreciate knowing that you have made this election and the name and contact information of your IRA provider. You can contact us at for assistance or further information.


Name TLC in your life insurance policy

Contact your life insurance company to name TLC as a beneficiary to receive part or all of your policy. Most IRAs allow multiple beneficiaries, contingent beneficiaries and/or primary and secondary beneficiaries. Please make sure to use TLC’s legal name (“TLC Transitional Life Care”) and tax identification number (47-1952551). While not required, we would appreciate knowing that you have made this election and the name and contact information of your insurer.


   You can contact us at for assistance or further information.   

Thank you for supporting the future of our organization and our ability to serve you.

TLC Transitional Life Care is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Program

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