Poetry is an ancient art form that can express our observations, insights, and the world of feelings, often so hard to talk about. Poems help us reveal and bear our burdens, they can inspire us, and it can bring us to new understanding – all in just a few words. We at TLC dedicate the poems here to those we love who have passed.

Poems for Rob Weatherston
by Julie Rogers
For Comfort
Stop wanting.
Take your mouth off your mind,
the tasting has made you crazy.
Back off real smooth.
Back off without trying.
It's just the next moment now.
Notice your surroundings,
the weight of your hands,
the quiet sound
of breathing, your chest rising
regular as wind.
The body lets down windows
for the calm to come in,
the wafting silent bell
of your heart
alive in there on its own.
It doesn't worry
and neither should you –
sooner or later
everything comes into view.
I hear him crying
deep down from the bone
where muscle had been
flexing, young, smiling
among the men he was happy
to belong between because they saw
his beauty, because he was human there,
it was his street and the others
couldn't take it from him.
He fills the couch
with bones and tears,
a raft in an ocean of salt water.
He lays on his back, forced
to swallow the sky.
It hangs everywhere around him.
He hopes it really is heaven.
When he sleeps he dreams
of waking, dreams of not feeling
pain. He knows
the body is man's best friend
and in the end his enemy.
He must bribe it with pills
and needles, and keeps it company
because without him
it is no one.
Now he sees himself
part man, part spirit, someone
who is leaving. He is
wearing his skin like a shroud,
a placenta, a cocoon,
a room to pass through
to the next one.
Dedicated to those diagnosed with HIV
Past the Horizon
You have come and gone
like wind, wrestling through
the last long breath
that drifted up between us.
Now a window is open
beside the body
perfectly still, though
a bristling beard
continues to cling
to the cheekbone.
When we lifted
your remains
to wrap them in linen
we held up a shell,
as if feeling
the sound of the ocean.
Poems For Laurel Hansen
by Julie Rogers
Open Room
Your bed is cushioned
by all who hold you
high through the rough streets
past doors shut tight,
the pillows are our mother’s warm bellies
leaned into, cups of water beside you
are deep quenching wells
straws the tongues of goddesses
vases of stars on the table
blankets of light sheeting out
from our eyes watching over
open for you
seeing you everywhere:
in the bare hands of the clock
in the dark stare of 4 a.m.
through our faces
in windows, in mirrors
edged with laughter and sighs
and countless silver moons
not just today
not just this room.
on your birthday
As a Beginner for Laurel & Patrick
I don’t know how to be here
but see the white sheets
your knees like low hills
legs in the long stretch
your soft mouth parting
gentle waves around your face
those jewel eyes
“most beautiful woman in town”
he always says always beside you
beside myself watching
you live with everything
we’ve learned but not practiced yet.
Venerable disciple I bow down
to clean your urinal
with Handy Wipes from heaven–
Tara has blessed them–
we know she’s promised!
Mantra sings into your heart
whispering love’s silent tune.
Dear one I am here
chanting with you.
Recipe for Stars
Brilliant moon and stars
with lightly shredded clouds
in deep universal blue/black space
topped with sprinkles of far suns
on a cool night spread with treetops
back dropped by Luna’s glazed face
upturned in a gauze of comets.
Oh my goddess! Your pearl
throbs mid-air, suspended on velvet sky
completely perfect. Even the trees bow.
Caught in this long night
sobbing between the houses
softer than sirens
moon through winter trees
black twigs sharpen her cold stare
into closed windows
ears ring in the numb
of not knowing if it’s time
to turn out the light
fire streaks the sky
memory’s torch burning space
deep into your eyes.
Eyes for You
Face pale
lips like petals
trembling in wind
two hair pins
faux diamonds
lit in graying waves
but those stars
are your eyes
far suns
love beams
in light blue space
your voice long quiet
breathing for us
as we watch your life
drift past
as we plump the pillows
and take turns
holding your hand.
One or the Other
Ah God, it’s death
that makes life so close.
You are going beyond the usual–
it’s what comes to all of us
but startled
I find you in the living room
on a metal bed
beside your piano,
sit on the bench
aware of your fingers
playing quiet nocturnes
on my palm,
for a slow moment
you feel around
for a place to rest
as I hold on.
Sentinels for the Hansen family
The heavy eyes of the watch
day and night a grey mist
one sun one moon
and it’s tomorrow, like today
but not.
The family works a puzzle
in the living room, listening.
You in the bedroom
beneath the blanket
breathing flowers
candles lit
accepting friends again
or living the dream
between them.
A stronghold
of four generations
hunched over the pieces
putting them together
finally connecting blue
as your eyes
wide open.
by Julie Rogers
Zen Retreat
Mossy trees, lush, green.
I wish the same for my skull
When my time is spent.
by Jane Hawes
Poems for Mother
by Julie Rogers
House Call at a Motel
The TV light
is blue on her face
in the swell of blankets
as my niece twists
into sleep. Her mother
drifts beside her
in the leaping dark.
My daughter huddles close,
eyelids writhing
with dreams. Near midnight
the bathroom light
is on so we can see
the telephone, a silent
bell tower on the table
between us. We wait
for the call, have memorized
the 10-minute ride
to the hospital and know
the corridors to her room,
the tangle of plastic tubes
like the veins in our hands.
Small in the metal bed frame
her face is an angel.
She is in between
the needle and Jesus
and the line is open.
When I wake the world
crowds in, a dark dream
recurring, measured in time
at the hospital. 
Every moment spent
taking it in, breathing
the storm thrashing
up from the gut
to spin in my throat,
jumbling thoughts, pieces
scattering everywhere,
her face reflected
as from a prism
in every one, the mind
so blinded by daggers
of light from her heart
into mine
that I don’t know
who is dying.
Proof of Life
There is only this moment
and memory.
Like a bird let go
in a cathedral
mind flies
every direction
searching for the nest,
a familiar
proof of life
to rest in.
Elusive home, the body,
the idea of it.
The next second
is empty
as the dream
of the last one.
from 'Dreaming with Mama'
by Julie Rogers
Ashes for Barbara at WinterSpring
People want
to forget death.
Let's watch another show,
call a friend,
go away for the weekend,
go away forever –
cremation smoke drifts
far beyond the weather.
Neither heaven nor hell
has my father's ashes;
I keep them in my cabinet
with his picture and a clipping
from the paper. I am named
as his survivor. Am I wiser
holding death each day?
I bring close the hollow body
to know I am alone,
to slowly pry away from holding on
to life, my hopes and fears,
illusion, the years I need
to feed the children.
by Julie Rogers
Till Death for Richard
We cannot know how long we have
together, our bodies miming love,
an echo in each other’s arms,
when words become the sigh beside a sigh
and we are no one merging
into one. This is how I understand
our suffering, hidden
in the bones of our hands,
in the delicate knots of our hearts
coming undone, how slowly
they loosen, how quickly
by Julie Rogers
When I die
my body, a mourning flower,
will weep the dew,
each bead a clear eye closing,
each thought left
a seed for the dark,
a promise,
a kiss on the hand
in greeting, in parting.
I lay on the ground
and hold it with my bones,
flesh and dust between us.
I taste the breath of life
and death in my mouth,
the language of angels.
by Julie Rogers
A Blessing for Beauty
May the beauty of your life become more visible to you, that you may glimpse your wild divinity.
May the wonders of the earth call you forth from all your small, secret prisons and set your feet free in the pastures of possibilities.
May the light of dawn anoint your eyes that you may behold what a miracle a day is.
May the liturgy of twilight shelter all your fears and darkness within the circle of ease.
May the angel of memory surprise you in bleak times with new gifts from the harvest of your vanished days.
May you allow no dark hand to quench the candle of hope in your heart.
May you discover a new generosity towards yourself, and encourage yourself to engage your life as a great adventure.
May the outside voices of fear and despair find no echo in you.
May you always trust the urgency and wisdom of your own spirit.
May the shelter and nourishment of all the good you have done, the love you have shown, the suffering you have carried, awaken around you to bless your life a thousand times.
And when love finds the path to your door may you open like the earth to the dawn, and trust your every hidden color towards its nourishment of light.
by John O’Donohue, from Beauty – The Invisible Embrace