TLC extends our sincere thanks to all who support and encourage our services:
Events & Programs, Website, Deep Chat Groups, and Transitional State Forums
TLC's end of life Manual, 'Instructions for the Transitional State'
"Dear Julie and staff, wow, what an amazing, well thought out document this is. Brimming with Bodhicitta! Thank you so much." Ellie Schwartz
"Supreme thanks for TLC's manual. It finally brings pieces of death and rituals all in one place. Great job!" Sakti Rose
I am inspired to go back and review your manual and update my end of life paperwork... A few years ago I took three months to revise my will, health care directive, spiritual care directive, cremation plan, etc. The whole process was so wonderful. Thanks again for your extensive dharma activity which has been a great help and support to me and many others.” Kim
"I'm writing to thank you and express my gratitude for sharing our conversation together. It's a huge honor, and I feel extremely blessed to help create something with you for your community." Jonathon Ferrer, Founder, Manager, and Interviewer at Quake City Portal Podcast [Click here for access.]
TLC Website
"Continuing appreciation for ALL that TLC gifts to our suffering world." EB
"I just browsed your TLC site not as a practitioner, but as a daughter whose mother had a stroke and is in ICU with possible discharge to hospice . . . I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the information and resources about the dying process available there to families. No matter what your role in the end-of-life experience, there is guidance for you on - what kindness and benefit!" Kim C, Ashland, OR
"The TLC Website is wonderful. What a work... thank you... I can see spending life in such a fruitful way for all sentient beings. Thank you from my heart." Jampa Sangmo, Bavaria, Germany
“Your website is actually incredible and you should be proud of what you have accomplished. Not only is it well organized, but it explores the depth of resources needed for transitional life care in thoughtful
groupings so one can make an educated choice as to the best path to follow for themselves. It is just so well done - my favorite in all aspects.” Karen
"Thank you for founding this beautiful organization. The website is a treasure trove." LZ, Oakland, CA
“Thank you again for your wonderful services!” Trenton Kokemuller
Transitional State Forums:
"Thank you very much for such a valuable program. I have attended several TLC events and appreciate them all greatly. A friend and old practitioner who lost his wife two years ago attended the afternoon - that was a gift for him... I think this was so helpful. I really do appreciate this program! Incredibly meaningful - it's an inspiration that gives meaning to my life." Willow Q after the Forum at the Wisdom Center, Santa Cruz, CA
“Many thanks for bringing this information and practice to light this weekend in Eugene. Both Teresa and I wish to express gratitude and found your presentation extremely beneficial!” Moira Volz after the Forum at Saraha Nyingma Institute, Eugene ,OR
“Linda, my Sakya-sister, attended the TLC workshop you held recently in Oakland, and she was so very, very glad she went! She said she really felt welcomed and good about you and all the people who attended and wants to continue attending the TLC events at ODD. You, and the program, made quite an impression and impact on her! Your work is really important and I feel your perseverance and faith is making a big difference in people’s thoughts and directions with their own end of life. Very, very well done!” Norine Nishimura, after the Forum at Mayum Mountain Foundation Happy Garden of Practitioners, Oakland, CA
“I'm very grateful for the opportunity created for us with TLC.” Roger Hardy, TLC Volunteer at Orgyen Dorje Den, Alameda, CA, after the Forum for SF Bay Area Tara Mandala, San Rafael, CA
“With deep love, compassion, and gratitude, I wish to thank you for the beautiful daylong experience of Instructions for the Transitional State in Santa Monica this past Spring. May you be happy, healthy, and free from suffering. With blessings, peace, love, and gratitude,” Debra Jean Rawdin, MS, after the Forum at So Cal Yeshe Nyingpo, Santa Monica, CA
“Thank you so much for such a wonderful day focused on death and dying - preparing for transition.”
Toni Bauer, Director of the Wisdom Center, Santa Cruz, CA, and Forum participant
Deep Chat Support Groups
"Deep Chat came into my life at the most crucial time. Support for the dying and a space to talk about what we must face is sorely missing and absolutely needed. Being able to cross over easily, and peacefully, is such a precious gift! Everyone should be able to access this gift. I am grateful that I have had this rare chance! Love to Julie and the TLC family for making this happen." Dr. Amy de Lorimier
"TLC has left a deep and lasting mark on our hearts. My wife’s mother was able to pass away peacefully in large part due to the help we received from the live and recorded seminars, the support materials and direct assistance from the volunteer staff. We are also members of one of the Deep Chat groups and the deep and profound discussions that we have are like nothing else we have encountered in the Buddhist communities we belong to. The vista of our lives and practice are vastly enhanced by TLC’s contributions. We are in awe of the TLC staff and contributors." With love and deep gratitude, Don Million CHT & Willow Million RN, CHT
"Julie Rogers and TLC have worked hard over the years to establish a forum for conversations about death and dying. They have created a role model for communication and support that is much needed in our world. Many people benefit at a deep level, enabling them to relax and gain confidence with the dying process. This precious resource that Julie and her staff offer doesn't have the recognition it deserves. It would be of great benefit if more people had access to what TLC offers." Louisa Gluck, LMFT (licensed marriage and family therapist)
I have been attending various TLC offerings for several years. I find the informative sessions extremely helpful and practical. I am relying on this information for my own planning around death issues. I also find the spiritual teachers quite wonderful and have gained so much from their presentations. I am currently facing a terminal cancer diagnosis and am glad that I have this wonderful resource. Very well done! Kate Nehrbass, retired educator
"The Deep Chat space offers an opportunity to learn and practice a radical new way to communicate with people that I have not encountered before. Speaking about the sacred dharma and making offerings to each other regarding our ways of engaging and relating with the heart of the teachings was most profound and joyful. Everyone’s openness and willingness to discuss last night’s topic was generous." Barbara DeBiase
“I’ve gotten a lot out of the Deep Chats and deeply appreciate your effort to make it possible.” Roger Hardy
“Wonderful Deep Chat yesterday! Beautifully presented and orchestrated, with inviting subject matter and great participants. THANK YOU!!” Susan Goldberg, Tashi Choling Advisory Counsel, Ashland
“Today's Deep Chat was very inspiring.” Ani Yeshe–Stephanie Cook, Nun at Tashi Choling, Ashland
“Very important topic. I just donated to TLC. The teachings and Deep Chats are priceless!” Nancy Hom
Food Bank Volunteering
“Thank you for all the wonderful work you do, have done and will do. I rejoice in all your positive actions… I fully and wholeheartedly support your wonderful work in Alameda County.” Charles Caldwell
TLC Programs & Events
"Hello TLC staff! Wow! I absolutely loved today's webinar presentation by Dawn Gross, MD PhD. As a clinical psychologist (who has had hospice training and my own personal losses) and as a Buddhist, I found this to be quite valuable. One of the best ever! Thank you so much! Christina Clark, PsyD, Columbus, Ohio
"Thank you. I attended a recent TLC event and gained a great deal from it. TLC does wonderful dharma work." John Fulan
"TLC's work is invaluable to me. Thank you for your dedication to its service of beings!" Anonymous
"TLC is such a wonderful treasure trove." Lorraine Sukuki, Southern California
“You should be proud! Great work.” Lama Lin Lerner, New York
“You are doing so many wonderful offerings and communications. Your work is very valuable and rare. Important to everyone.” Nora McKay, SF Bay Area
“Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. It is much appreciated!” Adrienne Harris, SF Bay Area
“Thank you for the wonderful, important care and support you and your team are providing for so many people through TLC Transitional Life Care. I rejoice in this so much and it is also very inspiring to me to persevere with my own practice. And accessing the teachings via the DVDs and online is a crucial support and a refuge for me to be able to progress in practice. It is my Sangha. All that you are doing is inspirational, especially for “westerners” in the dharma to see and learn about. I think we need this support and connection, as I think it can be hard to have confidence at first, wading through the culture of consumerism and the values of a capitalist society that we are constantly bombarded with. We need the dharma more than ever, I feel. Praying for all of the compassionate activities of TLC to grow and flourish, I’m wishing you all the best for all of your endeavors and aspirations. Thank you so much for all your offerings. Very much looking forward to the teachings.” Louisa
“Many blessings for your tireless commitment to the dharma and practice through your work with TLC.”
Lama Pat Berube of Clear Light Institute and Sukhasiddhi, Marin County, CA
“I am loving the series by Khenpo Paljor. Also, I’m so grateful for all that you do for folks during our transitions. I hope sometime to be a volunteer.” Blessings, Karen
“Thank you very much for the helpful information and for all the good that TLC Transitional Life Care is doing.” Best regards, Dominic
“At TLC, all of you are doing such a noble work of helping people make the transition with supportive care and loving guidance for the onward journey. Please accept my compliments and sincere appreciation of all your wonderful efforts.” Lakshmi
“I have been participating in TLC Transitional Life Care events for the past six years and find them extremely helpful. There are inspiring talks by spiritual leaders as well as practical advice by doctors and hospice workers. Since death is inevitable and can occur at any time, these teachings help us prepare for the journey so we are informed and less afraid of what happens during death and beyond. I’m so grateful they are offered and it's a joy to volunteer for the organization.
In 2018, I was honored to be able to present a healing Open Heart mandala workshop at Orgyen Dorje Den in Alameda. Sponsored by TLC, I orchestrated a 6-ft. mandala in which 24 participants made rows of offerings for their deceased loved ones under my guidance. By grieving together, we could engage in collective healing. It was a very moving and transformative experience for everyone.
The Deep Chat monthly gatherings are really special for me. In this intimate setting we share our deepest reflections and struggles and support each other through our journeys. Since the group is small and we honor each other’s privacy, I can honestly express my feelings and thoughts around this rarely discussed topic. I don’t know of any other place where I can talk about death for two hours in such an open way.
TLC Transitional Life Care is a unique and much needed service. As an Advisory Board member, I strongly support it. May it continue to thrive with the guidance of the guru and the dedication of its director, Julie Rogers, Board, and volunteers. May all beings benefit." Nancy Hom, artist and TLC Volunteer, SF, C
"I want to thank you and say that TLC is amazing. I’m living in Holland and I’m so happy for the work you all do. End-of-life care is so necessary and precious. Kind regards." Frederique Nuhaan
"Thank you for all you do and for the generous spirit with which you do it!" Dechen / Nina Shilling, organizer at Osel Thekchog Ling
"Thanks for the good work you're doing with TLC. Blessings." Stephanie Gaines, Co-Founder of Crestone End of Life Project