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TLC offers one DVD teaching by HH Katog Getse Rinpoche, ‘Preparing for Your Death’, filmed on Nov. 20, 2017 at Orgyen Dorje Den. 

Getse Rinpoche-WEBSITE .jpg

TLC offers two separate DVD teachings by Chagdud Khadro, ‘Teachings & Advice for the End of Life’ and 'Instruction & Practice ~ Chenrezig P'howa' (from the lineage of Rigdzin Longsal Nyingpo),  both filmed on April 24-26, 2018 at Orgyen Dorje Den. 

TLC offers one DVD teaching with Khenpo Paljor Gyatso, ‘Introduction to the Neydren and Other Practice Advice’ filmed on April 21, 2019 at Orgyen Dorje Den.

Khenpo Paljor-WEBSITE.jpg

DVDs are available for $30 including shipping & handling.


Chagdud Khadro's 'Phowa Teaching' DVD requires the prerequisite

of having received either a Chenrezig or Amitabha empowerment from a qualified lama. 


Please use the 'Donate' button below.

In the PayPal checkout, please specify which DVD you want,

and share your snail mail address with us. Thank you!

For inquiries email

Thank you for supporting TLC and our Film Archive Project! 

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TLC Transitional Life Care is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Program

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